Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Research Projects
South Campus Research Unit for Bone and Soft Tissue
Dr. Hunt is another one of our orthopaedic trauma surgeons and specializes in foot and ankle injuries. He has been at the South Health Campus Orthopaedic division since ____ and began contributing to research shortly after his arrival. Originally, this talented surgeon began his education with a Bachelor of Engineering before pursuing medicine.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, Eng, MD, FRCS(C)
Foot and Ankle, Orthopaedic Trauma

Although Dr. Hunt has received several research and medicine related awards, his achievements lay far beyond the scope of science. Dr. Hunt is also an accomplished cyclist, runner, mountaineer, and wilderness skills extraordinaire. There is not enough space here to include all of Dr. Hunt’s extracurricular achievements, however, to highlight a few, in 2017, he placed 6th in the Canadian National Road Cycling Championships, in 2016 he received 2nd place for the Alberta Provincial Championships, he completed the Halifax marathon in 2008, and he was Venturer Head Leader for Scouts Canada.
After receiving his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Queen’s University, Dr. Hunt completed his Doctor of Medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2007. He remained at Memorial for his orthopaedic surgery residency which he finished in 2012. Following his residency, Dr. Hunt completed two fellowships at the University of Calgary, one in 2013 for orthopaedic trauma and the second in 2014 specialized in foot and ankle surgery.
research interests
Dr. Hunt’s primary area of research interest involves treatment of foot and ankle injuries.
Dr. Hunt has been very busy with research in the past few years. He is currently the local PI of the FIRM trial; a study investigating the comparison between hardware removal versus hardware retention in individuals with Lisfranc injuries. He is also a co-investigator in several of our studies run here at the South Health Campus, including the COTS-H trial which is assessing the validity of a new hip outcome questionnaire, the Calcaneal Imaging study, PERK2 Trial, and many others. The details of these studies can be found in the Projects section of our website.
Shandiz, M. A., MacKenzie, J. R., Hunt, S., & Anglin, C. (2014). Accuracy of an adjustable patient-specific guide for acetabular alignment in hip replacement surgery (Optihip). Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 228(9), 876-889.
Nasr S, Hunt S, Duncan N. Effect of screw position on bone tissue differentiation within a fixed femoral fracture. J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2013, 6, 71-83.
Hunt S, Buckley R. Locking Plates: A Current Concepts Review of Technique and Indications for Use. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2013;80(3):185-91
Hunt S, Stone C, Seal S. Timing of femoral prosthesis insertion during cemented arthroplasty - cement curing and static mechanical strength in a in vivo model. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2010.
Hunt S, Martin R, Woolridge B. Fatigue Testing of a New Locking Plate for Hip Fractures. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Enginering, Vol. 32. No. 2 2012.