Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Research Projects
South Campus Research Unit for Bone and Soft Tissue
Dr. emmanuel illical
As one of the newest surgeon of the SCRUBS team, Dr. Illical is already contributing greatly to orthopaedic research at the South Health Campus. Dr. Illical joined SHC in January of 2020 after previously working in the United States for several years. This Toronto native specializes in orthopaedic trauma and adult reconstruction/arthroplasty and has been an enthusiastic and passionate addition to our research team.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, FRCS(C)
Arthroplasty Hip, Knee & Trauma Orthopaedic Surgeon

Dr. Illical began his post-secondary education at the University of British Columbia. After completing his Bachelor of Science in 2002, he moved to Edmonton, AB for his medical education. Dr. Illical graduated from the University of Alberta faculty of medicine in 2006 and went on to complete his residency at the University of Calgary which he finished in 2011. Following residency, Dr. Illical completed two fellowship programs, one in 2012 at the University of Ottawa for adult reconstruction and his second placement at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre specializing in orthopaedic trauma completed the following year.
research interests
Dr. Illical has a range of research interests with a focus in joint arthroplasty.
Currently, Dr. Illical is involved as a co-investigator in two of our research trials, including the PERK 2 Trial: PrEvention of posttraumatic joint contractuRes with Ketotifen, and one of our newest trials, the OR3OTM Dual Mobility System. Read about these trials in more detail under our Projects tab.
Merrill RK, Low SL, Varun A, Whitaker CM, Illical EM. Length of Stay and 30-day Readmissions After Isolated Humeral Shaft Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Compared to Intramedullary Nailing. Injury. 2020. Feb 3.pii:S0020-1383(20)30075-9. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.02.001.
Merrill RK, Landfair GL, Turvey BR, Illical E. Annual case volume is a risk factor for 30-day unplanned readmission after open reduction internal fixation of acetabular fractures. Orthop Trauma Surg Res. 2020. Jan 9. pii: S1877-0568(19)30386-X. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.11.008.
Day LM, Stroud SG, Shah NV, Pascal SC, Penny GS, Diebo BG, Illical E. Radial Nerve Sensory Branch Anatomical Variant: A Case Report and Literature Review. JBJS Connector. 2019. Dec. doi:10.2106/JBJS.CC.18.00489.
Trouw AG, Mulchandani NB, Kelly JJ, Eldib AM, Shah NV, Banning GK, Chatterjee D, Scollan JP, Yang A, Kapadia BJ, Diebo BG, Illical E, Urban WP. A radiographic analysis of closed reduction and casting of distal radial fractures with consideration of candidacy. Curr Orthop Prac. 2019. 30(4):289-295. doi:10.1097/BCO.0000000000000779.
Frumberg DB, Van Lanen-Wanek DJ, Jauregui JJ, Illical E. Can stainless steel flexible intramedullary nails provide proper fixation in patients over 100 pounds? J Orthop Trauma Rehab. 2019. 26(1):9-13. doi:10.1016/j.jotr.2018.02.001.
Whitaker C, Turvey B, Illical E. Current Concepts in Talar Neck Fracture Management. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018. Sep;11(3):456-474. doi:10.1007/s12178-018-9509-9.
Rex E, Gaudelli C, Illical E, Person J, Arlt KCT, Wylant B, Anglin C. Guiding device for the patellar cut in total knee arthroplasty: design and validation. Bioengineering. 2018. 5(38): 1-12. doi:10.3390/bioengineering5020038.
Naziri Q, Mixa PJ, Murray DP, Grieco PW, Illical E, Maheshwari AV, Skanuja HS. Adult Reconstruction Studies Presented at AAOS and AAHKS 2011 to 2015 Annual Meetings. Is There a Difference in Future Publication? Journal of Arthroplasty. 2018. May 33(5):1594-1597. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2017.11.058.
Gofton WT, Illical E, Feibel RJ, Kim PR, Beaule PB. A single-center experience with a titanium modular neck total hip replacement. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2017. Aug 32(8):2450-2456. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2017.03.025.
Jauregui JJ, Kim J, Shield WP, Harb M, Illical E, Adib F, Maheswari AV. Hip Fusion Takedown to a Total Hip Arthroplasty - Is it Worth it? A Meta-Analysis. International Orthopaedics. 2017. Mar 27. doi: 10.1007/s00264-017-3436-z.
Jauregui JJ, Yarmis SJ, Tsai J, Onuoha KO, Illical E, Paulino CB. Fasciotomy closure techniques: a metaanalysis. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017. Jan;25(1):2309499016684724. doi:10.1177/2309499016684724.
Mulchandani NB, Jauregui JJ, Abraham R, Seger E. Illical E. Post-partum management of severe pubic diastasis. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016. Jan 7. doi: 10.12891/ceog3533.2017
Browning BB, Ventimiglia AV, Dixit A, Illical E, Urban WP, Jauregui JJ. Does the saline load test still have a role in the orthopaedic world? A systematic review of the literature. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aott.2016.01.004
Rex EL, Illical EM, Gaudelli C, Wylant B, Ho KCT, Person JG, Anglin C. Device for verifying the patellar cut during knee replacement surgery. J Med Devices. 2016. 10(2):024502-1-6. doi: 10.1115/1.4032870.
Voigt C, Illical E, Goyal KS, Farrell DJ, van Eck C, Tarkin IS. Cadaveric Investigation on Radial Nerve Strain Using Different Posterior Surgical Exposures for Extra-articular Distal Humeral ORIF: Merits of Nerve Decompression through a Lateral Paratricipital Exposure. J Orthop Trauma. 2015. 29(2):e43-e45. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000204.
Illical EM, Farrell DJ, Siska PA, Evans AR, Gruen GS, Tarkin IS, Comparison of outcomes after triceps split versus sparing surgery for extra-articular distal humerus fractures. Injury. 2014. Oct;45(10):1545-1548. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2014.04.015.
Illical E, Belanger H, Kim PR, Beaule PB. Groin pain after metal on metal hip resurfacing: mid-term followup of a prospective cohort of patients. HSS Journal. 2012;8(3):257-261. 10.1007/s11420-012-9299-3.
Illical E, Buckley RB. Long term outcome of patella fractures: open reduction and internal fixation with stainless steel wire vs. non-absorbable braided polyester suture. Chin J Orthop Trauma. 2011;13(11):1-7.