Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Hip & Knee Research
Research Projects
South Campus Research Unit for Bone and Soft Tissue
Dr. neil white
Dr. White is an enthusiastic surgeon and researcher. He has been South Health Campus Orthopaedic Research Lead since 2012. He also serves as Chair for the Canadian Orthopaedic Association Global Surgery Committee, and Co-chair of Wrist Evaluation Canada (WECAN) – a wrist and elbow Canadian Research working group.
Orthopaedic Surgeon, MD, FRCS(C)
Hand and Microvascular Surgeon, Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon
Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Dr. White is a proud husband, and father of two young children. When he is not working, he spends time on his bike or travelling with his family in search of great surf.
He completed his undergraduate degree at Western University (London, Ontario) and his medical degree at the University of British Columbia followed by Orthopaedic Residency training at the University of Calgary.
Dr. White completed two Fellowships. In 2009 he completed a Hand & Microvascular Surgery Fellowship at Columbia University in New York; and in 2010 he travelled to Scotland and completed a Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Fellowship.
research interests
Dr. White is most interested in clinical research with a focus on improving outcomes in injured patients. He tries to focus on simplicity and on patient focused research. Currently, Dr. White is working on establishing connections between weather patterns in Calgary and increased injury from falls. The goal is to provide simple prevention strategies and to better allocate resources to provide the best care possible during surges in orthopaedic trauma volume.
​Dr. White is the local principal investigator in a variety of trials at South Health Campus, one of which is the PERK2 trial, a study looking to assess the prevention of post-traumatic contracture with Ketotifen 2 in patients with elbow fractures and/or dislocations.
He is also heading a nationwide effort to collect information on patients with severe wrist fracture dislocations. These rare and devastating injuries have never been studied in a coordinated multi-center prospective trial. Dr. White hopes to publish the largest series of these injuries and through this create best practice pathways to improve outcomes. Dr. White is also taking the lead as principal investigator on another multi-center study, a randomized controlled trial looking to assess the outcome of partial wrist fusion with or without triquetral removal.
These are only a few of Dr. White's extensive research initiatives.
Ludwig, T. E., Samuel, T. L., Vergouwen, M., & White, N. J. COVID-19 orthopaedic trauma volumes: a Canadian experience during lockdown and staged reopening. OTA International, 4 (2): e134, 2021 Jun.
Vergouwen, M., Samuel, T. L., Sayre, E. C., & White, N. J. FROST: Factors Predicting Orthopaedic Trauma Volumes. Injury: 2021 Feb.
White NJ., Reitzel SL., Weinstein TI., Sameul TL. Improving Operating Room Culture and Efficiency through Professional Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies. Int J Surg Med. 7(2): 2021.
Ademola A., Hildebrand KA., Schneider PS., Mohtadi NGH., White NJ., Bosse MJ., Garvin A., Walker REA., Sajobi TT. PrEvention of posttraumatic contracturRes with Ketotifen (PERK 2) - protocol for a multicenter randomized clinical trial. BMC: Musculoskelet Disord. 21(1): 123, 2020 Feb.
HIP ATTACK Investigators. Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomized, controlled trial. The Lancet. 395(10225): 698-708, 2020 Mar.
Furey MJ., White NJ., Dhaliwal GS. Scapholunate Ligament Injury and the Effects of Scaphoid Lengthening. J Wrist Surgery. 9(1): 76-80, 2020.
Sidhu, SP. White NJ. Antibiotic Impregnated Cement Dowel in a Tibial Stump to Salvage Infected Below- Knee Amputation in a Diabetic. JAAOS: Global Research and Reviews: 3(10): 2019 Oct.
Montgomery, SJ. Rollick, NJ. Kubik, JF. Meldrum, AR. White, NJ. Surgical outcomes of chronic isolated scapholunate interosseous ligament injuries: a systematic review of 805 wrists. Can J Surg. 62(3):199-210, 2019 Jun.
White NJ. Rollick NC. Injuries of the Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament: An Update. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 23(11):691-703, 2015 Nov.
Danoff JR. Cuellar DO. O J. White NJ. Strauch RJ. The Management of Kienböck Disease: A Survery of the ASSH Membership. J Wrist Surg. 4(1): 43-8, 2015 Feb.
Raskolnikov D. White NJ. Swart E. Zouzias IC. Rosenwasser MP. Volar plate capsulodesis for metacarpophalangeal hyperextension with basal joint arthritis. Am J Orthop. 43(8):354-8, 2014 Aug.
White, NJ. Common Carpal Injuries: Scapholunate Ligament Tears. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Bulletin. 2013
Furey, MJ. Sheps, DM. White, NJ. Hildebrand, KA. A retrospective cohort study of displaced segmental radial head fractures: is 2 mm of articular displacement an indication for surgery? J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 22(5):636- 41, 2013 May.
White, NJ. Corr, DT. Wagg, JP. Lorincz, C. Buckley, RE. Locked plate fixation of the comminuted distal fibula: a biomechanical study. Can J Surg. 56(1):35-40, 2013 Feb.
Hiscox, C. Lamothe, C. White, N. Bromley, M. Oddone Paolucci, E. Hildebrand K. Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fractures: a randomized, controlled trial comparing bone scans to radiographs for diagnosis. CJEM, Can. j. emerg. med. care. 15(0):1-8, 2013.
Karl JW. White NJ. Strauch RJ. Percutaneous Reduction and Fixation of Displaced Phalangeal Neck Fractures in Children. J Pediatr Orthop. 2012 32:156–161.
Murray IR. Ahmed I. White NJ. Robinson CM. Traumatic anterior shoulder instability in the athlete. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012. Jun 28 Online first.
White NJ. Sorkin AT. Konopka G. McKinley TO. Surgical Technique: Static Intramedullary Nailing of the Femur and Tibia Without Intraoperative Fluoroscopy. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Vitale MA. White NJ. Strauch RJ. A percutaneous technique to treat unstable dorsal fracture-dislocations of the proximal interphalangeal joint. The Journal of hand surgery [Am]. 2011 36(9), 1453–1459.
Ashe MC. Liu-Ambrose T. Khan KM. White N. McKay HA. Optimizing results from pQCT: reliability of operator- dependant pQCT variables in cadavers and humans with low bone mass. Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 8(3):335-40, 2005.
White NJ. Cochrane DD. Beauchamp R. Paraparesis caused by an angiolipomatous hamartoma in an adolescent with Proteus syndrome and scoliosis. Journal of Neurosurgery. 103:(3 Suppl):282-4, 2005 Sep.
Zarkadas PC. Gropper PT. White NJ. Perey BH. A survey of the surgical management of acute and chronic scapholunate instability. Journal of Hand Surgery [Am]. 2004 Sep;29(5):848-57.